CogX Ltd. (London) 2024
Ensuring a positive event experience for all participants
In registering for and/or participating in CogX you consented to comply with the Code of Conduct. We want to ensure that your experience is positive and productive in the spirit of CogX.
We operate on a 1-strike policy with our Code of Conduct. After one strike you will be made to leave the conference. We do not tolerate the following:
Spam (verbally or in chats), including saying or reposting the same word/content repeatedly in order to disrupt the conversation
Harassment, bullying, and intimidation
Harassment and bullying are defined as:
Negative comments about race/ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, physical appearance, citizenship, or other protected categories
Intimidation or threats, including sharing images or text especially to threaten
Unwelcome sexual attention, including sharing images or text especially to sexually harass
Threatening or other endangerment of minors
Any activity meant to convey or cultivate hostility
Ad hominem insults or other attacks
Encouraging the above behaviour
This policy applies to behaviour from and to any participants, attendees, moderators, MCs, speakers, and/or organisers and in compliance with the Equality Act of 2010. [Legal liability of conference organisers]
You can submit concerns to at any time. Please provide details of the incident and who is responsible and we will respond as soon as possible.-